Please feel free to use our class blog to keep up with what is going on in our classroom and as a resource to some great websites for kids. We love to hear comments from our parents and other classmates on things going on in our room.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Historical/Realistic Fiction Book Reports

This is one example of a book report completed using Windows Movie Maker. Huston did an outstanding job, very creative.

This book report, The 5th of March was also created using Windows Movie Maker. Peyton did an outstanding job. She gave a ton of detail and description of the book.

Mrs. K's Library Books

Remember that all of my personal library books are due back to me this Friday, May 29th!!!! I have a long list of students who I will be talking to this week to retrieve books. Take a look around your house, in your room, and even in your car. If you have any at home, please bring them in immediately.
Check out some new personal narratives that are avialable for download on Pod Cast People. When you get a chance, take a listen and leave a comment for your classmates.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Testing Update

Today, we have finished our Reading section of our CATS testing. Tomorrow we have Math. Testing is going GREAT so far.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Library Books

All Library books are due back this Friday, 5/8.
Please turn in all Historical and Realistic Fiction book report books on this day as well.

Mrs. K's library books will still be available for check out until 5/29. Please check your rooms, cars, and back packs and make sure that you do not have any of my library books. Remember, the students next year would like to read them too.