Please feel free to use our class blog to keep up with what is going on in our classroom and as a resource to some great websites for kids. We love to hear comments from our parents and other classmates on things going on in our room.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Back to School

        We are back to school after fall break for thanksgiving.This our last week for canned food drive this week we are doing dinner items like canned soups or macaroni.You can bring any non -  parshable foods it doesn't have to be dinner items it can be anything you can manage.Keep our reading log in our planner instead of on paper.Study your math facts for Friday.Work on informational book.Angel tree items due Friday she needs sweatpants and shirts size large,pants size 12,underwear size 8,shirts size 10-12,she also needs books no more dolls,shoes,coats.

          In school this week in math we are working on long division with remainders it is surprisingly easy.Now people say that it is easier now that they know the steps.Next, we are working on our narrative part in our informational pieces.

            Our new computer expert  is Madison she writes reviews for websites for our class blog the ratings are same as last time.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Angel Tree Items

Just a reminder that we need all our Angel Tree Items turned in by Friday.  Our little girl still needs some clothes.  She has recieved jackets, shoes, socks, and a ton of toys.  She is still in need of shirts size 12, sweatshirt size L, jeans size 12, sweat pants, size L, and underwear size 8.  Is you can help out that would be great.  I love the way our school always steps up and helps our community! One of many reasons that I love teaching at Centerfield.