This school year fourth graders will be participating in a program
called Read Across Kentucky, which is a spin off the program Read Across America
used in 5th grade at Centerfield. Every student will be required to read 35
books this school year and complete a reflection. Ten of the books and
reflections will be completed in class, but the other 25 must be completed at
home. Students will have some time in the classroom to work on their 25
books and reflections during their quiet reading time, but the bulk of it needs
to be completed at home. I will be modeling how to write the reflections in
class the first few weeks of school and I will be providing a reflection example
in the future. Reflections must be submitted on Edmodo (more information to
come) or can be hand written and submitted in person.
Three reasons Read Across Kentucky is AWESOME:
1. Setting BIG goals pushes us to work hard and achieve!
2. This opportunity will allow you to enjoy different genres that you may not have read before.
3. Practice makes progress! Read everyday.
To help stay on track use this schedule to help you make your goal.
November 1st - 8 books read and submitted independently
February 14th - 16 books read and submitted independently
May 23rd - 25 books read and submitted independently
Below are the required genres:
6 Fiction:
2-Realistic Fiction
1-Historical Fiction
1-Science Fiction
6 Informational (Must include at least one science, one math, one history, and one biography.)
5 Current Events
3 Poetry Books
5 Chapter Book Choice
10 School Assignments
Three reasons Read Across Kentucky is AWESOME:
1. Setting BIG goals pushes us to work hard and achieve!
2. This opportunity will allow you to enjoy different genres that you may not have read before.
3. Practice makes progress! Read everyday.
To help stay on track use this schedule to help you make your goal.
November 1st - 8 books read and submitted independently
February 14th - 16 books read and submitted independently
May 23rd - 25 books read and submitted independently
Below are the required genres:
6 Fiction:
2-Realistic Fiction
1-Historical Fiction
1-Science Fiction
6 Informational (Must include at least one science, one math, one history, and one biography.)
5 Current Events
3 Poetry Books
5 Chapter Book Choice
10 School Assignments
This wil be hard